EA Inspector

EA Installation Inspector

This is a utility that provides information on the EA AddIns installed on the current system.

Check AddIn status with the EA Installation Inspector check

The main functions of the utility are to:

  • Inspects the registry for keys that define an EA AddIn and its value i.e. its "AddIn class"
  • Check whether the "AddIn Class" is registered
  • Determine DLL filename for each registered "AddIn Class"

With this information it will:

  • Create an entry for each AddIn with information that includes:
    • AddIn name
    • AddIn Class
    • DLL Filename

And will colour code the entry depending on observations - see example below In addition, additional tabs allow:

  • Display of AddIns in a tree view from which queries can be initiated on the registry which can help identify:
    • Missing files
    • Multiple class entries
    • Duplicates
  • Execution of custom queries on the registry

Plus few other odds & ends

The colours for each row (AddIn) found are as follow:

  • Beige – indicates that CLSID and DLL are specified in different registry Key Sections
  • Pink – indicates a Sparx key exist and ClassID – however the DLL file does not exist at the specified location
  • Bright pink – means that no Class ID is set for the AddIn, hence the DLL cannot be identified
  • Red – means the Sparx key doesn’t exist i.e., there is no classname specified for the key

Read the help page for more detail

Also see page on EAInstallationIssues

Download the latest version

Visit the Download page and Release notes

Source code

Installation inspector is open source. The source code is on our GitHub - Installation inspector source code

NOTE: This may not be the latest source - as current development is more than likely in a branch until testing completed and even then ...